- Decatur Public Schools District #61
- Students & Families
Rights & Responsibilities
In order for District #61 to achieve its goal of educating Decatur’s children, the school community has to establish expectations and standards of conduct for its members. All of our community’s members play significant roles in the successful operation of our schools. Students, parents/guardians, teachers, and school administrators all bear responsibilities and possess rights, which are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct & Parent Handbook.
Student Rights
- To attend school unless removed from school pursuant to District 61’s Student Disciplinary Policy
- To attend school in a safe and orderly environment
- To enjoy the full benefit of their educational efforts without disruption from or toward other students
- To have reasonable access to school personnel
- To be informed of school rules and regulations
- To be respected and treated courteously by staff members and administration
Student Responsibilities
- To attend school and classes regularly, on time, and to leave the school campus immediately at the end of the school day unless supervised by school personnel
- To be prepared for class with the appropriate materials and work
- To know and obey school rules and regulations
- To respect the rights of school personnel, fellow students, and the public in general going to, coming from, and during school
- To achieve to the best of their ability
- To be accountable for all actions
- To report any knowledge of infractions to the Student Code of Conduct to the proper authority
- To follow the dress code outlined in the Student Code of Conduct & Parent Handbook
Parent/Guardian Rights
- To have their children educated in a safe and orderly environment.
- To have school personnel work cooperatively and in a timely fashion with parents.
- To be informed of district policies, regulations, and school rules.
- To review their child’s record with appropriate assistance and supervision from staff.
- To visit school and to participate in conferences with teachers, counselors, or administrators regarding the academic and behavioral status of their children.
- To be respected and treated courteously by staff members and administration.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
- To set a positive example for their children by treating staff members with respect.
- To visit school and to participate in conferences with teachers, counselors or administrators regarding the academic and behavioral status of their children.
- To ensure that their children are fed and clothed to the best of their ability.
- To teach positive behavior to their children.
- To take on and accept the primary responsibility for rearing their children.
- To cooperate with the school in bringing about improvements designed to enhance the educational climate for all students.
- To provide the school with accurate information regarding the legal residence, guardianship, telephone number, medical data, and other facts which may help the school to ensure the safety and welfare of their children.
- To become familiar with district policies, school rules, and regulations, and to support reasonable disciplinary measures as applied by school personnel.
- To provide their children with a quiet study area and encourage their academic endeavors.
- To ensure that their children attend school on a regular basis and arrive at school on time prepared to work.
- To encourage their child to report known infractions to the student code of conduct book to the proper authority.
- Call and report known school infractions to the Student Code of Conduct book to the proper authority.